Generations Apiary is based in Kingston, Ontario, with beeyards northwest to Yarker, Harrowsmith, Sydenham and Battersea, running eastwards to Gananoque and southwards to the shores of Lake Ontario. Our honey is available in stores and at farmers markets across the region. See Where to Buy to find the location nearest you.

Andrew McCann combined the operations of Bob Stevenson (R.C. Stevenson & Father) and Elaine Peterson (Bee Happy Honey), who both retired at the end of 2023. Andrew is proud to continue their work, caring for our local pollinators, sustainably producing delicious, unpasteurized, wildflower honey.

Honey bees (Apis Mellifera) came to our region in the 1600s and are well integrated into local ecosystems. They pollinate a diversity of wildflowers, trees and crops as the seasons unfold. From dandelions and maples; to clover, vetch and trefoil; to blueberries, mellons and sunflowers – each beehive offers us a unique combination of flavours by making honey from flower nectars available within a few kilometers of the beeyard.
It takes roughly 2 million flower visits for the worker bees to make a pound of honey, flying thousands of close-range kilometers. Meanwhile the Queen is busy back in the hive, laying 1,500 eggs per day in spring and summer. Please visit the Ontario Beekeepers Association website for more information on honey bees and beekeeping in our region, or visit me at the farmers’ market to talk more about bees, honey and volunteer opportunities.
Enjoy our honey in all its delicious, healthy varieties!
Beekeeper/Owner, Generations Apiary